Union With Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

From The imitation of Christ
Chapter 13
A Devout Soul ought to Desire, With Her Whole heart, To be united to Christ in This Sacrament
Who will give me, O Lord, that I may find Thee alone, that I may open my whole heart to Thee, and enjoy Thee as my soul desireth; and that now no man may despise me-CANT. VIII. 1, nor anything created move me or regard me, but Thou alone speak to me, and I to Thee, as beloved is wont to speak to his beloved, and a friend to entertain himself with his friend.-EXOD. XXXIII. 11.
This I pray for, this I desire, that I may be wholly united to Thee and may withdraw my heart from all created things, and by the Holy Communion, and often celebrating, may more and more learn to relish heavenly and eternal things.
Ah! Lord God, when shall I be wholly united to Thee, and absorbed in Thee, and altogether forgetful of myself?
Thou in me, and I in Thee; and so grant us both to continue in one.-JOHN XV. 5.
2. Verily thou art my beloved, the choicest amongst thousands-CANT. V. 10, in whom my soul is well pleased to dwell all the days of her life.
Verily Thou art my peace-maker-CANT. VIII. 10, in whom is sovereign peace and true rest; out of whom is labor and sorrow and endless misery.
Thou art, in truth, a hidden God-IS. XLV. 15, and Thy counsel is not with the wicked; but Thy conversation is with the humble and the simple.-PROV. III. 32.
Oh, how sweet is Thy spirit, O Lord, who, to show thy sweetness towards thy children, vouchsafest to feed them with the most delicious bread which cometh down from heaven!-JOHN VI. 50.
Surely, there is no other nation so great, that hath gods so nigh them as Thou our God are present-DUET. IV. 7, to all Thy faithful; to whom, for their daily comfort, and for the raising up of their hearts to heaven, Thou givest Thyself to be eaten and enjoyed.
3. For what other nation is there so honored as the Christian people?
Or what creature under heaven so beloved as a devout soul, into whom God cometh, the He may feed her with His glorious flesh?
O unspeakable grace! O wonderful condescension! O infinite love, singularly bestowed upon man!
But what return shall I make to the Lord for this grace, and for so extraordinary a charity?-PS. CXV. 12.
There is nothing that I can give Him that will pleaase Him better, than if I give up my heart entirely to God, and unite it closely to Him.-PROV. XXIII. 26.
Then all that is within me shall rejoice exceedingly when my soul shall be perfectly united to my God; then He will say to me: If thou wilt be with Me, I will be with thee: and I will answer Him: Vouchsafe, O LOrd, to remain with me, and I will willingly be with Thee.
This is my whole desire, that my heart may be united to Thee.
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