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Friday, April 21, 2006


Following the true path of Christ is a difficult road. He asks from us a very important task. True Charity. This is not something that can come from us. It is very difficult to love our enemy. This requires a special grace. We must be open to this, however most people only love those that they want. Our first reaction is to run from the situations we come in contact with that are not to our liking. We are so good at finding others faults and not looking at our own. We also want to see the evil in others and tend towards gossip and contempt. Very far from what we should be doing in our lives. We need to confront the individuals we come in contact with and see that this person is truly loved by God. Yes we can disagree or disapprove of their ways or actions. We can also tell them how we feel about it as well. Maybe we need to see beyond this. God has a plan for all of this and we could be interfering with it. In doing so, we can't forget that if we point out someones faults that we need to reassure them that you have faults as well. You cannot sound like you are the better person because you believe one thing and they believe another. This is why God has created us as unique individuals. Never be afraid to be yourself. Be proud of who and what you are. By doing this we want to correct our faults. Egoism is a very hard thing to let go of. It is so easy to feel like your back is against the wall if someone points out that you are not so perfect. If you let go of your pride the benefits will surprise you when you do. Humility and Charity are most wonderful graces that we can receive. It is a question of whether or not we wish to accept these from God. The key is asking for Him to give these gifts to us and then acting on them


At 7:58 PM, Blogger Our Lady of Lourdes, Fontana, CA said...

Thank you, Ginny.
You are so wise in the ways of humility. Your post just made my day today and I thank you for it. I sometimes find comfort in the blogs of Athanasius. Knowing him personally, I always found comfort in his words but at the same time felt somewhat alone in our ways of thinking. For days, due to constant attacks and mocking of our faith, I've felt this natural anger, yet unrealistic urge to revolt on society and all who disgust me, but knowing that this way of thinking is sinful and wrong, I have had to find other ways to either hold back my anger or use it on something not human or animal. My favorite saint from Spain (St. Teresa de Jesús) has said in her poetry "patience obtains all things" I suppose for a while I've lost that patience with the environment that I've been having to deal with. Reading your post has helped me to remember the necessity of patience.
Thank you and keep doing what you're doing.
BTW, I welcome you to come and check out my blog of movie reviews of movies that I have previously seen (which includes, V-for Vendetta) That movie is one explanation as to why I'm so angry sometimes.


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