Just One of God's Miracles
Happy 45th Anniversary Mom and Dad.
Wow! Can you try and do this again??? for another 45 years???
This is quite the accomplishment and sacrifice of love.
God Bless and Thank You for being my parents.
This web site has been created to encourage and support other Catholic Traditionalists.
"Ignorance is no excuse when we have neglected to learn what we are obliged to know."
St. Ambrose
Happy 45th Anniversary Mom and Dad.
I had to share this story because the modernism in the church is so visible and disturbing. I know that since Vatican II there has been a lot of modern art in the churches. You see the architectural design and wonder what in the world are they thinking about? Where is the beauty of our old architecture and structures of the old churches. There are elaborate statues and beautifully designed stained glass that surrounds us in the older churches. The statues were just so awesome to gaze at when you contemplate in prayer. The surroundings exhuberated such fine respect and devotion to God. Now I know that there is much to say about modern churches and the lack of statues and beauty. It is plain ugly to look at and does nothing for the human being whose tendencies are towards visual objects. Everyone enjoys beauty in every aspect. God created beautiful people, and people created beautiful objects. Some of these banners and wall hangings are atrocious and although the message printed on them is meant to be inspiring it is just plain tacky. There is no comparison between the new and old church even if it is the most desperate need of repair. Some new modern up to date churches even have those linoleum looking floors (UGHHHH!!!)
When was the last time you practiced a Novena? When was the last time you followed the First Five Saturdays? How about First Fridays? Oh, how about saying a chaplet??? Well you are not alone, if you haven't practiced any of these devotions, or not in quite some time. Most people say that they are too busy and don't have enough time? That is nonsense. What are we making time for? Are we sitting in front of that television to entertain ourselves. Do we put our children in front of video games? We are all guilty of the worldly distractions to some degree. We need to make time for our spirituality and worry about where our soul is going instead of where we can head off to, and in what direction it pleases us.
To have a completely Christian marriage is to truly love Christ first. This means that we want to treat our spouse as if they were the most important, fragile gift ,that they are, and respect them totally. One of the ways to do this is by letting them be themselves, as individuals, and not trying to conform them to what you would like them to be. Christ made us all individuals. Jesus would not want us to change the plans He has made for that persons life. This is why it is so important to let your spouse be an individual first. Let God mold them. You should support everything they do, and need, or want to do. Of course there has to be understanding and discussions if you feel that what they do can harm themselves or your marriage. You can't be selfish and that is where people get themselves into the most trouble. There has to be roles, and a respect for each other in these roles. Husbands should respect their wives and wives, respect and obey ( I know that this word upsets many people) but yes, obey their husband. Christ asks this from us as our role as a wife. We should be proud of this. This also doesn't make the husband some sort of "glorified king" by any means in a way of abusing his role. This is just a respect for him as head of his household. If you make smart choices in regards for selecting the right partner then this can be a very happy way of life.
I hear so many people say that the reason that they don't go to confession is that they don't want to confess their sins to a priest! They say that they don't need to confess to another human being. This is just another poor excuse for not dealing with their sins, or maybe they are just unaware of the proper teaching of our faith. They say I will talk to God about my sins. Indeed you are when you go into the confessional. You are speaking to God through the priest. The Holy Spirit works through the priest to forgive us.