Sacrifice is something that all of us do from time to time. We make exceptions for loved ones and friends. We try very hard to accommodate the ones we care for, and for the most part we do it without even thinking. This is something that the Lords expects from us.
But, for some this is a difficult task. There are those who do not find giving of themselves an easy thing to do. What may come naturally and without much consideration, can be quite the opposite for someone else. We can be very selfish and not want to go out of our way or routine for anything or anyone.
Christ made the ultimate sacrifice, He died for us. Although we can't just give up our lives for the sake of another we can give ourselves in other ways.
Put someone ahead of your own needs. Do something to brighten someones day, even just a kind word to a total stranger in the grocery store. Make someone feel special. Go the extra mile for someone at work.
Lent shouldn't be the only time you think of sacrificing of yourself. Almsgiving, Penances and Mortifications should be practised regularly and with complete oblation to Our Lord.
Marriage, Friendship and Our Children can be some of the most difficult relationships that people can find trouble in giving of themselves. Some find it easier to be more charitable toward their neighbor than their own flesh and blood. This can be a fear of being rejected by a loved one or a case much more serious. The first steps towards true Charity can be difficult and almost impossible for some to bear. We need to pray for those who have trouble dealing with Sacrifice and Hope the Holy Ghost will guide them to a closer union with God.
So for many of us who try to lead a truly Christ- like lifestyle, let us not forget that this can be difficult for many. May we try to be role models for these people so that they become more like Jesus
nice site, dude. best wishes...
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