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Friday, November 04, 2005

Christmas gifts preparation

I love the time and creativity in gift giving, I contribute this to God's way of manifesting my talents, borrowed or otherwise, to give my loved ones (and maybe those people who may need) gifts from your heart. Homemade gifts really show someone that you took the time to think of them. I find that when I make gifts I pray, and I am at peace. Not anything like the hustle and bustle of Christmas shoppers so aggravated with life, and not getting the point of the whole season. Although many people sigh, and get all frustrated with the season (just can't wait for all the traffic and road rage to begin ), we must remember, that it is the peace of Christ, and The celebration of His birth. We need to relax and enjoy our family, and unite ourselves with The Holy Family. I am sure that The Blessed Mother was not anxious about making sure Jesus had a Talking Elmo or whatever the latest craze is now (I am way out of the loop here folks, my kids are grown!). What is important is to give the gift of love to each other, and to be together to celebrate the Birth of Christ. I know that this is a little early to some to be thinking about Christmas, but HEY, some people start to shop in July, or for that matter the day after Christmas for the following year. I would like to prepare ahead of time too. In the past I have made some gifts that require months of preparation and although they were not store bought, I made them from my heart and for individuals that God wanted me to share them with. If we must buy our gifts let them be a positive gift that will enhance someones life. A book is a wonderful gift and so is music as well. These gifts can bring union with God and not stuffed in a closet or drawer (we have all done that). Someone may read a book that brings them to a better understanding of their faith. While driving to work, listening to sacred music, may make their day more tolerable, and put them at peace before the stress of everyday living.
So if you can't make something for someone, and when you go to spend your hard earned money, maybe you will find peace knowing that your hard work efforts went into the increase of someones spirituality.

There are some great book sites on line and I have some links posted on my site. Check out this great book of poetry (happens to be written by my Aunt) http://www.cathybagley.com
I also have a link which I will post here for a fantastic CD on Sacred Music http://www.mcfamilysingers.com also on my site.

I have personally met some of this crew and let me tell you they are terrific :) Please support them.

Realistically, we all buy gifts for each other and that is fine. Just in our preparation we need to be frugal and prudent. The most important gift is to remember what we give to Christ. The gift of ourselves. Make this a simple gift of love. Give him the biggest part of you, your heart and your soul. Ask Him for a gift as well, Ask Him to give you Himself, and His Mother, and Foster Father Joseph, to be there always, and not like an article of clothing that can be stowed away in a closet.
God Bless and Happy Shopping!!!! I hope you receive all the gifts that God has to give.


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