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Thursday, December 01, 2005

Advent Calendar and Jesse Tree

A newer, 19th century German tradition is that of setting up an Advent Calendar. Advent calendars are calendars, made mostly for kids, to count down the days until Christmas, from Dec 1st to 25 th. There are little doors for each day behind which is something , candy, picture, coin or scripture for the child to reveal on that day.
A classic Jesse Tree uses symbols to depict the heritage of Jesus Christ and is a very old Advent/Christmas concept. A genealogical tree illustrating the prophecy of Isaias 11:1 "And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse (David's father), and a flower shall rise up out of his root". Some Jesse Trees depict the 28 generations listed in Matthew between Jesse and Jesus. Others depict representatives from that genealogy (Jesse, David, etc.) as do most medieval Jesse Trees. Most modern Jesse Trees use symbols which summarize the Old Testament and show, basically, the history of the world up to Christ (Adam and Eve, Noah Abraham, etc.). A Jesse Tree in the home, is simply a collection of symbols that portray the fact that Jesus has come, as predicted, from the root of Jesse. These symbols can be put on tabletop-sized tree, or on a branch brought in from outside. The symbolic ornaments which can can be storebought or homemade, for example, painted onto wood or wood carved into shapes, linens rounds which are sewn. Some paint on paper, or cut out from cardboard. Some families add ornaments to their Jesse Trees one each day, starting on December 1st to the 25 th . Advent Calendar (24 ornaments); others add them all at once on December 1st. Whatever works for your family is fine, but whatever you do, and whatever symbols you use, the point should be to show that Christ springs from the root of Jesse, by Isaias prophecy, and with the Infant Christ being held by Mary at the highest point of the tree.

Suggested Symbols for a 24-Day Jesse Tree
December 1
sun, moon, stars, animals, earth
December 2
Adam and Eve
Tree of Life, man, woman
December 3
The Fall of Man
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, serpent, bitten apple
December 4
ark, animals,
December 5
December 6
bundle of wood, altar, ram
December 7
December 8
multi-colored tunic
December 9
December 10
lamp, temple
December 11
tree stump with flower
December 12
December 13
temple, scales of Justice
December 14
carpenter's tools
December 15
Our Lady
lily, crown of stars, pierced heart, roses
December 16
John the Baptist
scallop shell, locusts, honey, tall slim Cross
The Golden Nights Begin...
December 17
Christ as Sapientia
oil lamp
December 18
Christ as Adonai
December 19
Christ as Radix Jesse
December 20
Christ as Clavis David
December 21
Christ as Oriens
rising sun
December 22
Christ as Rex Gentium
December 23
Christ as Emmanuel
Chalice and Host
Christmas Eve
The Nativity
Mary holding the Infant Jesus, with Star of Bethlehem over them


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