" The Inspired Traditionalist: December 2007 200 x 38 pixels, 5, bytes.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We all tend to be very busy at least I know I have been.

I would like to take the time to wish all a Very Merry Christmas

We have been very blessed with the Motu Proprio this year and I have enjoyed watching the expansion of The Mass.

Connecticut has been very blessed with wonderful priests here that are willing to say the Traditional Mass for us

We have been given a wonderful "early" Christmas present, Thanks to our Holy Father.
Please keep him in your daily prayers along with our priests, who are extremely busy at this time of the year.

So as all of us are busy with preparations for Christmas please don't forget to remember those less fortunate, those suffering from illness or depression or financial difficulties and may be unemployed
We may not be able to give monetarily, but our prayers are so much more the beneficial for them.

God Bless and Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New year!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Preparing For Christmas

Everywhere we go we see signs at this time of the year, letting us know how many shopping days are left until Christmas.

Every Year that goes by we are reminded of how to be "politically correct" in regard to the "Holidays".

Now we wouldn't want to offend anyone now would we
Can't put a creche up at work, now certain places can't have a "Christmas Tree".

Well I am offended and that doesn't matter though, does it?
Most Christians would agree with me that "Christmas" is not celebrated correctly

Heck, most Catholics don't prepare properly either and get caught up in the materialism of the Season

Prepare for the coming of the Lord.
What happened to "good old prayer"

Do we have Advent Wreaths in our homes and a Jesse Tree possibly?

Those are much more important than those despicable blow up lawn decorations that I despise
I tell people that I wish I had one of those dart shooters and every lawn displaying those despicable sights I could pop them as I drive by, putting a whole new meaning to "drive by shootings", lol

Oh and if I see "Merry X-Mas" I just want to scream!!!!!

I suggest that we establish family prayer and maybe on Christmas day having a cake and singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus". Let's give our children the right message.

Here below just gives some things that you and your family can do to prepare for the birth of Our Savior
Fish Eaters has some great stuff. alos there are feast days to be observed and don't forforget that Christmas doesn't end after we open our gifts on Christmas Day
Don't take those trees down yet!



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