Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to wish everyone a very
Happy Thanksgiving!
Don't forget to Thank God for all the Blessings He has bestowed on us in this past year.
I know that I have a lot to be thankful for.
For the safety and well being of my family and friends.
Through illness and accidents, my family has been protected and cared for, watched over by God, and The Angels and Saints to Whom I pray. Through the careful nuturing from our Blessed Mother.
I am grateful for the intercession by The Sacred and Immaculate Hearts which I place all my trust
For bringing very special people into my life this year
For a new job that I obtained about 7 months ago after being out of work for about 5 months.

For all the other things that I may neglect or have forgotten I thank God for
For everything I take for granted
Remember to:
Thank God for all the saved lives this year
Thank God for all the strength to overcome
tragedies, hardships and illness
Thank God for The gift of Faith
Thank God for the grace to endure All
Many blessings Ginny on this day of thanks!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Hi there
Great blog.
I will add you to my blog roll.
Would you add me?
Thank you
John Browne
What a great blog! And the prayer of gratitude is very inspiring!
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