The Inspired Traditionalist
This web site has been created to encourage and support other Catholic Traditionalists.
"Ignorance is no excuse when we have neglected to learn what we are obliged to know."
St. Ambrose
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
It's been a Long Long Time
Hmm Where do I begin?
I have not posted anything in over a year
I would like to get back into "Blogger World" again, but I am not promisng miracles
I haven't surfed blogger world either and I have to see what everyone has been up to and if any of you still remember me, lol
What have I been up to??
Well since the birth of my beautiful grandaughter Kaylie, I have been virtually living in her world, lol. Mind you it is very hard to resist.
She is the most wonderful little blessing.
Never have I had so much fun with such a cutie pie as she
Grandparenthood is much more relaxing than parenthood and I can attest to that even now, lol
I think when you become a grandparent you are more mature and you are more relaxed.
Well I could go on and on about her and I don't want to bore you all
I will put some pictures up of her because that's a grandma's right, lol
We love to show off pics
Oh yeah and I have just recently lost my fourth job in the past 7 plus years and I have a little more time on my hands so maybe I can constructively utilize my time in more ways than one
So maybe this is a return....we will see how this goes
Keep me in your prayers, please!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Birthday Wishes
A Very Happy Birthday To Tom Fitzpatrick of Recta Ratio.
Have a great Day and treat yourself to something good
You deserve it and work so hard, so enjoy a treat or two or more...... today
Monday, June 01, 2009
Welcome Kaylie Jade!!!

My granddaughter, Kaylie Jade, was born on May 21, at 12:02 pm, measuring 19.5 inches and weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces. She is steadily gaining and growing in alertness (and not sleeping much). She and her mom are doing fine (though more sleep would help). She is a joy and a blessing (even though she doesn't sleep as much as anyone would like!).
God bless her.
Please pray for us all!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
In Just A Six Month Span....
We have been very busy this past 6 months or so
My daughter has had a very difficult pregnancy
She has been in and out of the hospital and been dehydrated. she has had to have IV's to replace fluids and medication for severe migranes due to vomitting
She has actually lost weight during her pregnancy and has been very sick
Now the vomitting is settling down but she still sick a few times a week, but trust me this is much better than what she was going through, with hours of constant illness
Food is going in very slowly now, but she is still able to eat now where we are not concerned for her or the baby's health
She has been sent to Yale (a big specialty hospital in Connecticut)and she has had several ultrasounds and all is well so far
The baby hasn't been cooperating enough to turn so the doctors can see her heart completely so this is why they keep trying with the 5 ultrasounds and now # 6 scheduled for next week
She is so very active the doctors have a hard time getting pictures of her
I think she is going to be a handful for momma, lol
My son had some surgery as well. He had a very bad infection in his mouth, due to a bad wisdom tooth. They had to actually scrape and remove part of the jaw bone. He lost 35 pounds from not being able to eat. He ended up with TMJ as well.
This Mom has been a very worried mom, but, been praying like crazy
I think I have invoked every saint imaginable lately from St Gerard, to Saint Monica, to Saint Pellegrine and of course our Blessed Mother's ears have probably had heard enough by now, lol
My dad also had surgery in this span of the past six months
I was a bit scary for a while but he is doing well
I have had two surgeries as well and I am likely to have a third one soon
I would really appreciate the prayers
I am so grateful for all the prayers so far from everyone and all the kindness
Blogger world has some pretty terrific people
Also, both of my children have moved, thank goodness in the area, and I can still see them frequently. This has been a great thing for both of my kids. They are very happy in their new homes and I am extremely happy for them.
We are getting ready for a baby shower at the end of the month
BTW, we are having a baby girl...Kaylie
I am so excited
I can hardly wait for her to get here
She is due to make her presence know on May 15th
Oh... I am sure she won't be spoiled,lol
So as you can see I kind of have an excuse for being a slacker blogger
I really have some things I would like to get out there to post and hope to do so soon
Please continue to pray for my family
We don't have any big serious issues, Thank God and to The Blessed Mother, St Gerard and all the saints we have been praying for their intercession
Monday, September 29, 2008
I have just found out that I am going to be a grandma, actually I am a grandma.
My daughter,Ashley, is expecting her first child at the end of May, early June.
Please keep her in your prayers for a healthy pregnancy.
She is having a good bout of "morning sickness" right now.
She looks a little green
We know this is a good sign that everything is progressing normally.
Now, I have been a "Slacker Blogger", can you just imagine when the baby comes?
Wow! How life gets busy.
We are so excited as first time grandparents can be.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
RIP Fr. Fitzpatrick

This past Sunday Fr. Kevin Fitzpatrick passed away from complications due to recent surgery. This is a huge loss.
Thank You for all your prayers and please continue to pray for his soul
See the Web site for directions
For the Funeral Services
Also you can see the St. Gregory Society Web Site for info
Requiescat in Pace