" The Inspired Traditionalist: April 2006 200 x 38 pixels, 5, bytes.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Medieval Quizzes

Something just happened to Inspire me to Post these quizzes for fun today?
Courtesy of Fish Eaters


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Great new site

Please welcome aboard Michael who is new to our circle. He has a great site. He is a college student who is bilingual and he critique's movies. He posts in both English and Spanish to accomodate all. Who knows we may all be getting Spanish lessons!

Michael De Los Estados Unidos

Prayers and God's Chosen People

I find that prayers are so much more heard when you combine yours with another person or persons. It seems like lately there has been an abundance of loving people praying with and for me. Although my specific intentions have not yet been answered, I have been blessed in so many other ways. Kind and beautiful words from loving friends and family have been overflowing lately. I could not have asked for a better answer to prayers, if I had asked for this myself. Special unexpected gifts and sentiments that come from those I am in contact with have given me all the strength I need to see that Christ is really in my life. I won't forget to pray for these people He so graciously put in my life. I "Thank God" for all of you and I hope that God works through me to give you back this special blessing. I hope all of us who trust in the Lord are open to special graces he gives and are able to share and pass them on to others. Thank You God for putting these beautiful people in my life

Sunday, April 23, 2006

St George, Martyr

St George

Son of an illustrious family of Cappadocia, St George was elevated at a young age by Diocletian to one of the highest offices of the Imperial ministry. When the Emperor promulgated an edict against Christians, St George professed his faith publicly. He died in 303. He is the Patron saint of England and is generally represented as engaged in combat with a dragon

O God, You gladden us by the merits and intercession of Blessed George, Your Martyr; mercifully grant that we who ask Your blessings through him, may obtain them by the gift of Your grace. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Friday, April 21, 2006


Following the true path of Christ is a difficult road. He asks from us a very important task. True Charity. This is not something that can come from us. It is very difficult to love our enemy. This requires a special grace. We must be open to this, however most people only love those that they want. Our first reaction is to run from the situations we come in contact with that are not to our liking. We are so good at finding others faults and not looking at our own. We also want to see the evil in others and tend towards gossip and contempt. Very far from what we should be doing in our lives. We need to confront the individuals we come in contact with and see that this person is truly loved by God. Yes we can disagree or disapprove of their ways or actions. We can also tell them how we feel about it as well. Maybe we need to see beyond this. God has a plan for all of this and we could be interfering with it. In doing so, we can't forget that if we point out someones faults that we need to reassure them that you have faults as well. You cannot sound like you are the better person because you believe one thing and they believe another. This is why God has created us as unique individuals. Never be afraid to be yourself. Be proud of who and what you are. By doing this we want to correct our faults. Egoism is a very hard thing to let go of. It is so easy to feel like your back is against the wall if someone points out that you are not so perfect. If you let go of your pride the benefits will surprise you when you do. Humility and Charity are most wonderful graces that we can receive. It is a question of whether or not we wish to accept these from God. The key is asking for Him to give these gifts to us and then acting on them

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Following the Saints

When we read books on the Saints we find their lives both inspiring and motivating. Sometimes we get discouraged because we are unable to accomplish what they have, and we allow ourselves to become discouraged by this. To become a saint we need to know that there is an easy way for us to achieve this. God has called each one of us to a special call in life. Regardless of the state of life in which we exist, we can become saints of our own accord. We need to apply this simple rule. Live your life in the manner of the saints but to your degree of vocation. We do not need to throw ourselves into a bush of thorns, although some of us could use this means of mortification for sure. We can perform another form of self abandonment by which is obtainable by the average person. Our focus is Christ, His loving mercy and compassion for us. He forgave us our sins and continues to do so. We just can't find ourselves getting caught up in egoism and pride, which we tend to do, by using His mercy as an "escape goat". Still be tough on yourself for His sake. He suffered for us and the least we can do is suffer our own "trifle pangs" in comparison.
Enjoy the saints and their love for God and your willingness to be as they were. Love God and follow your path that He has set especially for you. Read the Lives of the Saints.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Thanksgiving after Mass

I think it is extremely important to say a lengthy thanksgiving after Mass. God gave you Himself just minutes before, and many leave the church and run to do What?? Is there anything so important that it can not wait at least fifteen minutes or so. I don't really think so. If you receive a gift, are we not thankful for it? He is the most precious gift of all. You can't send Him a "Thank You" card in the mail. You need to tell Him how grateful you are, especially because we are so unworthy of such a special gift. We need to give Him our time. Put yourself in "His Shoes" (although we can't ever do this) . Have you ever given someone the most special gift you could ever select for a person and find out that they never appreciated it? Or never "thanked you", for it? How did you feel? How can we let Our Savior see us just run out the door after giving His Life for us? In early times, some Saints such as St. Philip Neri sent altar boys with candles out after the people for not saying a "thanksgiving" for the gift we receive.( I think the saints go marching in.... and out as well....as the old saying goes) If we did this now, we would probably be arrested for harrasment. Some do need to be gently lead to understand this, and maybe they are just unaware of this important fact, to say "Thank God"..... for You. So please say an ample thanksgiving after the Mass. You see, I have friends that are "Evil Traditionalist's" and You never know what they may do?? I don't think they have candles in mind either!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I had a discussion with someone who brought this to my attention recently and I thought I would like to pass this on.
I didn't realize myself how many people are affected by scrupulosity and how important it is to help those in need who are struggling with this.I also think that many have a tendency towards a "smaller degree" of this as well. I tend to think that sometimes we worry to much about our own needs and what "our " focus is and forget that "others" need attention. This site is very helpful for them. They asked if I would share it with those afflicted. I hope those who look into this find some comfort in these helpul hints. Pray for those among us who really struggle and may they find comfort and relief in trusting Jesus to guide them.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The fruits of my Lent

I'm BACK!!!
I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER. ALLELUIA!

Well not too bad only two posts during Lent. I wish I could say that I have accomplished everything that I set out to do, but as usual, I have slipped up. I know that I am weak and could give all sorts of excuses as to why I did not do everything on my "expectation list" and daily as I had wanted. Yes, there were times that I had "justified excuses" and that Jesus would have wanted me to act instead of worrying if I said this or that prayer. Each year I try to do something different and I did find that the "fruits of my labors" this year were indeed enlighteneing, although I did not conform to all I wanted. I found a few faults that I have and that need to be corrected. This truly is a suffering in itself. Now that I am aware of these, I need to act upon them. Correcting ones faults to be pleasing to God is not always easy to do. I am sure He is smiling at me and saying ,"see, this is what you should be doing." So all in all, I guess I got just what I needed, suffering and the joy that will come from that, although not easy to see or say right now, but will be beneficial for my soul. Pray for me, because He was very generous in His grace and I will need strength to persue this. I hope all of you had a prosperous Lent and a Joyful Easter Sunday

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